Monday, February 16, 2015

My Tatting doily

I have made this doily using thread size 20, and one shuttle out of ball in first stage. In second stage I have used two shuttles. This stage was really tricky- for me- As I have made each flower with its leaves one by one, and joined that flowers with first stage. The last stage of doing it was the edge with one shuttle out of ball again.  the edge was two rounds. The first one was wide, and make the doily ruffled!!! The second round makes it just nice edge as it narrowed that ruffles.It is middle size doily -about 43 cm across.
Here are its pictures (the only mistake I did when I get its final picture  is ,I got it AFTER I wash it) I didn't block it well so its final picture was not good as it is in a real)

 Another bad picture lol
pictures of its stage
Here is the second stage of doing the flowers with their leaves.
First round of the edge, and how it was ruffle round,
The second round of the edge,
Close look at center,
 I forgot to tell you that this pattern is charted pattern from Russian magazine.

Happy tatting for you all.


  1. Lilly it is absolutely awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have no words to tell.. congratulations fro this wonderful tatting work.. Greetings from Brazil :-)

  2. Hello Ive,
    Many many thanks for that so kind compliment from you.
    Greeting to you too.

  3. you are creating such nice pieces dear Lily..
    ciao ciao Christa
